You know I’ve had a lot of valuable

things over my life.

Some were possessions

and others were relationships.

The value of these things were defined by how “I” saw them.

Not by the value “others” placed on them.

It’s “my beliefs” that define what’s valuable to “me”.

We create beliefs to explain control.

Control over ourselves and others.

As the need for control changes,

the beliefs that were created should be changed.

Some beliefs will need to be retired.

The most valuable thing I have is my time.

I love the saying,

“Isn’t it a shame youth is wasted on the young?”

Or how bout,

“Too soon old, too late smart.”

As each year goes by a little bit faster.

This is where “The Experiential Life” comes in.

It will walk you through surrendering these unwanted beliefs.

Let me give you over 45 years of experience,

exploring these experiential ways of life.

In America our forefathers made,

the “Right to Pursue Happiness”

our #1 constitutional right.

They weren’t being cute when they did this.

They knew this country was facing a lot of major decisions.

They knew Happiness to be the most resourceful state

to be in making these decisions.

When you’re happy you’re the most resourceful and creative.

People controlled by fear are not in a resourceful state.

They have a hard time facing life’s issues.

Not only is fear a poor place to be when making decisions,

it’s detrimental to your health.

Time to make Happiness the goal.

The way to do this is to question every belief.

Please don’t find this frightening.

This process is what I’ve turned into a work of art.

I’ll walk you through making all problems go away.